
Gizem Gok
Country Manager
Experience / study background
Whilst managing all the operations and marketing activities for SI-UK Turkey she now has achieved the expertise, and now she is also efficiently managing the SI-UK Azerbaijan. Gizem joined the team in 2018 and has worked as an Education Counsellor since 2015. During her career, she has focused on academic placements and specialises in UK universities. Gizem holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Mathematics Teaching from Hacettepe University. She has previously worked as a teacher for 3 years and now she applies her experience to communicate with the students and their parents in her current role. Gizem is dynamic, innovative, and friendly to work with. Also, she is willing to contribute ideas and professional experience to any project she’s involved in.
SI-UK Offers a free study support service for those studying abroad in the UK and Ireland.