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SI-UK Company History

April 2003

Predecessor company of SI-UK was established in Shinjuku, Tokyo and successfully placed thousands of students from Japan into UK universities and colleges.

October 2006

October 2007

SI-UK Osaka office opened to provide application support to students in the west of Japan.

December 2007

SI-UK Osaka Language Centre opened offering full range of university preparation lessons including IELTS.

April 2008

SI-UK holds its first UK University Fairs in Tokyo and Osaka. Both attract hundreds of visitors seeking information about courses at UK universities.

August 2008

SI-UK London office opened in Russell Square, next to University of London Campus. SI-UK is the first London-based agency to recruit international students of all nationalities to the UK.

December 2008

SI-UK London creates the first multi-lingual website for international students seeking information on studying in the UK. Languages include English, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, and Spanish.

February 2009

SI-UK launches comprehensive online university course search function free of use to all, with over 30,000 university and college courses linking directly to university/college course pages.

June 2009

SI-UK London opens an IELTS preparation centre to help international students gain the required English score to enter university.

April 2010

May 2010

First SI-UK London university fair with over 80 UK universities attending, making it the largest UK university fair worldwide.

June 2010

SI-UK creates the first online library, containing over a thousand samples of university application documents including personal statements, resumes, reference letters, UCAS applications forms and university application forms, for students.

December 2010

SI-UK Shanghai office opened in the commercial centre of Shanghai.

January 2011

SI-UK Delhi office opened in CP on Barakhamba Road New Delhi.

May 2011

SI-UK Bangalore office opened.

April 2012

July 2012

SI-UK Istanbul office opened.

August 2012

SI-UK Tokyo Language Training Centre moves into expanded, custom-built facilities. With 12 UK-native teachers, the Centre now offers more IELTS courses than any other language school in Japan.

October 2012

Tokyo and Osaka university fairs attract a record 53 universities to Japan.

March 2013

First SI-UK UK University Fair held in Amsterdam.

April 2013

First SI-UK UK University Fair in Manchester.

October 2013

First UK University Fair in Istanbul, Turkey.

November 2013

December 2013

SI-UK opens in China.

February 2014

SI-UK opens its first office in Lagos, Nigeria.

May 2014

A second Turkish office opens in capital city Ankara.

July 2014

Tokyo office relocates to the prestigious Shibuya district in Japan.

September 2014

A second Nigerian office is opened in Abuja.

October 2014

November 2014

September 2015

SI-UK London builds two new IELTS classrooms at Regent Street office.

October 2015

Awarded a grant by the UK government as one of the fastest growing businesses in the UK.

November 2015

December 2015

UCAS Schools Service launches providing expert services to top boarding schools and A-level colleges in the UK and globally.

August 2016

New Spanish and Vietnamese websites launched.

September 2016

SI-UK relaunches brand with new logo.

October 2016

New office opened in Tehran, Iran.

February 2017

October 2017

New SI-UK office opens in Nicosia, Cyprus.

May 2018

June 2018

December 2018

January 2019

SI-UK Kenya opens second office in Mombasa.

May 2019

June 2019

November 2019

December 2019

SI-UK India opens record 9th and 10th new offices in Lucknow and Hyderabad.

February 2020

About SI-UK


Studying in the UK

Upward Comma

SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient. Their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities and, through my consultants' advice and application assistance, I was able to receive offers from my favoured universities.

Downward Comma

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

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  • university-college-london
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  • University of Birmingham
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