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UK Agriculture Courses

Indian student guide to studying Agriculture in the UK

Agriculture courses have grown in popularity over recent years, and the UK government recently named it the fastest-growing subject in the UK. A degree in agriculture at a UK university is no longer just for those only interested in farming, but also for those interested in biosciences, economics and supply chain management.

An agriculture degree will cover a wide range of modules including agriculture science, agribusiness, future trading and farm engineering. Studying agriculture at a UK university will give you a solid grounding in the issues that affect agriculture now and in the future, preparing you for employment or further study. Many agriculture campuses are also based across large plots of land and you will enjoy the benefits of putting theoretical teaching into practice out on university fields and farms.

Graduate Agriculture Careers

Agriculture is one of the UK’s fastest growing sectors and employment rates for graduates are extremely high. Roles are varied and include farm manager, animal nutritionist, land agent, soil scientist and supply chain management. Positions away from the practical application of being in a field are also available in research, technology and marketing.

Agriculture UK Entry Requirements 

Please note that entry requirements vary for each UK university.

Where can I study Agriculture in the UK?

To learn more about the best agriculture courses in the UK, find details on the top ten ranking Agriculture and Forestry universities in the CUG 2025 below:

  1. Queen's University Belfast
  2. University of Newcastle
  3. University of Nottingham
  4. Harper Adams University
  5. Aberystwyth University
  6. University of Lincoln
  7. Bangor University
  8. University of Reading
  9. University of Plymouth
  10. Nottingham Trent University

Study Agriculture in the UK

If you are interested in studying agriculture in the UK, arrange your free consultation with SI-UK today. Don't forget the Premium Service will guarantee you at least one offer from a UK university!

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