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UK Marine Engineering Courses

Introduction to Marine Engineering

Marine Engineering is an engineering specialisation focussed on the design, development, production and maintenance of equipment used as part of the internal system of ships and on board sea vessels.

Marine Engineering is a vast field of expertise which combines other engineering disciplines such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering design and control technology. Marine Engineering degrees in the UK are informed through and taught by experts in the field, including those who are oceanographers, biologists, marine archaeologists and economists.

Your Marine Engineering Application

SI-UK can help you apply to study Marine Engineering in the UK. Arrange your free consultation online or at your nearest SI-UK India office today.

On a Marine Engineering degree you will study advanced subjects related to the design of conventional ships, and the range of machinery and systems introduced through case-study and problem-based learning.

Graduate Marine Engineering Careers and Salary

Marine Engineering graduates can progress into a variety of different roles across governmental, academic or private sectors, including naval forces, oil and gas, mineral extraction, architecture and boat-building, scientific services, marine consultancy and marine surveying.

Source: National Careers Service UK.

Marine Engineering Entry Requirements

Please note that entry requirements vary for each UK university.

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Where can I study Marine Engineering in the UK?

To learn more about the best Marine Engineering courses in the UK, find details on a selection of UK universities who offer Marine Engineering degrees:

Study Marine Engineering in the UK

If you are interested in studying Marine Engineering in the UK, arrange your free consultation today. Don't forget the Premium Service will guarantee you at least one offer from a UK university.

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Studying in the UK

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  • Scholarships at BIMM Institute
  • UEA