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Art and Design Portfolio Service

Maximise your chances of securing an offer with expert advice from a practising art academic

Applying to an art school in the UK can be extremely competitive, but the SI-UK Art and Design Service can guide you through the application process step by step and offer expert advice on portfolio creation and preparation from a practising art academic.

SI-UK will assist with your application to five art schools or universities for undergraduate study and up to three art schools or universities for postgraduate study.

Why use the Art and Design Service?

The Art and Design Service will do the following to maximise your chance of securing an offer:

Art portfolio preparation and advice

Art and design portfolio review and preparation sessions allow students to gain expert practical advice and support from a practising artist who has exhibited sculptures in the UK and internationally.

Art and design portfolio review and preparation is offered for the following levels of study:

Study Art in the UK

To learn more about studying art in the UK, arrange your free consultation with SI-UK India online or in person today.

Contact SI-UK about your art application


Studying in the UK

Double Quote up  I sincerely thank SI-UK for getting me accepted to UCL. The MSc in Urban Development and Planning is extremely competitive, but the right guidance provided by SI-UK made my dream of studying at University College London a reality. The services were exceptional from beginning to end.  Double Quote Down

Rashmi Lakshanya Urban Development and Planning at University College London

  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of liverpool
  • University of Leeds
  • sheffield
  • southampton
  • strathclyde
  • manchester
  • exeter
  • cardiff
  • warwick
  • loughborough
  • edinburgh
  • bristol
  • lancaster
  • durham
  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • Scholarships at BIMM Institute
  • UEA