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Boarding School Service for Indian Students

Apply to a UK Boarding School

If you are interested in securing a place at a UK boarding school for your child but are confused by the different options and unfamiliar UK school system, SI-UK and ASIS Schools can help you find the right destination and school with expert guidance and support.

The ASIS and SI-UK teams consist of former Headmasters and Headmistresses, teachers and school administrators, who have collectively been in the schools for over 100 years.

We know how stressful and difficult it is for children and parents to relocate, which is why you are in safe hands with David Boddy, formerly Chairman of the UK Society of Heads and Head of St James Senior School for Boys in London, and Senior Consultant Suzie Oweiss, formerly of the Good School Guide.

Why use the Boarding School Service?

The Boarding School Service guarantees your child an offer from a UK boarding school, or all your fees are refunded.

Free Consultation

An initial 60-minute consultation is free of charge and will provide an overview of the UK education system and its schools. It is important for your child to be in attendance during this first meeting, as your consultant will need to learn more about their wishes for the future. Parents should bring all supporting documents detailing the child's academic, social, artistic, and sporting achievements to the first meeting.

Coaching, Mentoring and Tutoring

Many of the UK’s best schools are highly competitive to get into, and a coaching, mentoring, and tutoring service is also provided. Children will need to perform well in entrance tests and in subsequent interviews, usually with the Head Teacher or a senior Admissions Tutor. Our consultants are familiar with many of the school admissions departments and can help prepare students for what is to come.

We will also:

Apply to a UK Boarding School

If you are interested in learning more, arrange a free consultation with SI-UK in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore or Pune today.


Studying in the UK

Double Quote up  I sincerely thank SI-UK for getting me accepted to UCL. The MSc in Urban Development and Planning is extremely competitive, but the right guidance provided by SI-UK made my dream of studying at University College London a reality. The services were exceptional from beginning to end.  Double Quote Down

Rashmi Lakshanya Urban Development and Planning at University College London

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