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Oxbridge Application Process

The Oxbridge application process is lengthy and involves choosing a college, passing admissions tests and taking part in intensive interviews with tutors. The deadline for applying to either Oxford or Cambridge each year is October 15th.

Choosing an Oxbridge College

Applying to a specific college is recommended, but open applications can also be submitted. When picking a college, students should consider if it teaches the subject you wish to study, its academic history and if it is close to your personal interests and hobbies. Not all colleges offer undergraduate or postgraduate courses, so research is vital.

Visiting Oxbridge universities for an Open Day is vital to gain an understanding of the area and what your life will be like. Oxbridge tutors are also happy to meet informal visitors if a request is made.

Oxbridge Admissions Tests

Many applications to Oxbridge universities now require you take an admissions test before reaching the interview stage. Not all Oxbridge courses require the taking of a set test, and those that do often depend upon the staff’s preference. Learn more about Oxbridge Admissions Tests.

Oxbridge Interviews

If you have made it through the initial application and passed the subsequent admissions test, the final part of an Oxbridge application is passing an interview.

Oxbridge interviews vary from one college to the next and students will be expected to analyse unseen materials during an interview, whilst also answering questions on inventive and unorthodox topics. Oxbridge interviews for Cambridge and Oxford take place during December.

Oxbridge Application Advice

If you have any more questions about the Oxbridge application process and what is required, arrange a free consultation today.


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