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Oxbridge Application Service

Applying to Oxbridge Universities

Oxbridge universities are considered to be amongst the best universities in the world, but applying to an Oxbridge university can be an extremely competitive process. The Oxbridge Service will maximise your chances of making a successful application to one of the UK's top universities or business schools.

Our Oxbridge consultants are Oxford and Cambridge graduates who have helped hundreds of students join the world’s best universities and know what it takes to make a strong application.

Whether you wish to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level, our Oxbridge experts will ensure you are ready.

Oxbridge Service Schools

SI-UK can help you apply to the following universities and business schools in the UK.


Business Schools

We have helped hundreds of international students join Oxbridge universities and you can be next. Arrange a free consultation today to find out if you are eligible to apply.

Oxbridge Application Guide

   1. Free personal consultation

SI-UK Oxbridge Service

We will discuss your academic ambitions and decide if you are eligible to apply. This preliminary consultation is free of charge.

   2. Creation of your application

SI-UK Oxbridge Service

We will professionally complete your application forms, review your essays and assist in selecting your best work to ensure admissions officers are impressed.

   3. Personal statement

SI-UK Oxbridge Service

Your personal statement is crucial in determining whether an interview will be secured. We will review and edit your personal statement, ensuring it stands out from other applicants.

   4. College selection

SI-UK Oxbridge Service

What subject you want to study and what sort of person you are make a big difference to which college you should apply to. By getting to know you - and already knowing the colleges - we can make the perfect match for your future.

   5. Interview practice

SI-UK Oxbridge Service

Oxbridge interviews are famously difficult, but our mock interviews will familiarise you with the setting and questions which can be expected. After the interview is complete we will give you detailed feedback on your performance.

Apply to study at an Oxbridge University

Arrange a free consultation to have any questions you might have about Oxbridge answered, or to begin your application.


Studying in the UK


SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient. Their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities and, through my consultants' advice and application assistance, I was able to receive offers from my favoured universities.


Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
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  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Leeds
  • sheffield
  • southampton
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  • loughborough
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  • lancaster
  • durham
  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Leeds
  • sheffield
  • southampton