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UK University Course Search

The UK university course search is simple to use and allows Pakistani students to search over 65,000 undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees, alongside foundation and English courses available at UK universities and colleges.

Our comprehensive university course database is an independent and impartial information source for Pakistani students wishing to study at a UK university. The keyword search is flexible and accurate and results take users directly to the institution's own course details.

If you need assistance with how to effectivley use the UK university course search, please go here


Breckett Front   I believe my success is due to the great support provided by SI-UK. I was advised the right IELTS courses to attend and they also helped with my visa application. I really want to share with you my positive experience and I would definitely recommend SI-UK to my friends.  Breckett Front

Fatima Parveen Psychology at University of Nottingham
