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Zuzanna Siwecka

Project Development Manager

Experience / study background

Intercultural communication has always been Zuzanna’s passion, professionally she links people of different backgrounds and cultures to create a friendly and thriving professional and learning environment. She believes that successful business is based on human relations.

Zuzanna received her master’s degree in Journalism and Social Communication from University of Warsaw. She specialized in Media Marketing and Public Relations and for years worked as PR and communication specialist for many international brands. As she loves Middle East and Mediterranean history, she additionally studied Turkish language and culture in the Oriental Studies’ Faculty of the University of Warsaw and completed exchange program at Hacettepe University in Ankara. Out of here passion for international adventures, she spent another 5 years working in tourism sector in Turkey.

Since 2017, Zuzanna has been working as international education counselor and admission manager. She provided admission assistance and legal services to hundreds of students from over 30 countries. She participated in educational fairs, conferences, road shows and school visits in Botswana, Eswatini, Ethiopia, India, Namibia, South African Republic, Turkey, Zimbabwe and Poland. Now, she is contributing her experience to SI-UK Poland’s operation and providing quality education services to students dreaming of pursuing their studies in United Kingdom.

SI-UK Offers a free study support service for those studying abroad in the UK and Ireland.


Studia w Wielkiej Brytanii

Breckett Front  SI-UK's service is fast, reliable and efficient - their consultants are specialists, working closely with all UK universities; through my consultants' advice, and application assistance I was able to get offers from top ranked universities.  breckett-back

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance

  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • sheffield
  • southampton
  • manchester
  • exeter
  • cardiff
  • warwick
  • loughborough
  • edinburgh
  • bristol
  • lancaster
  • durham
  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • sheffield
  • southampton
  • manchester