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Newcastle College

Newcastle College

Key Information
Location Newcastle, England
Established 1972
Famous Courses Vocational Subjects, English Language
International Fees £10,500-10,000
Key Information
Location Newcastle, England
Established 1972
Famous Courses Vocational Subjects, English Language
International Fees £10,500-10,000


We look forward to welcoming you to one of the largest and most successful colleges in the UK! Newcastle College fact file:

  • With nearly 30,000 students at Newcastle College, you know you'll be in good company. 
  • In July 2008 we received a Grade One OFSTED Inspection, the best of any college in the north east. 
  • Beacon status - one of only nineteen colleges that have been awarded this status in the UK. 
  • Ongoing investment programme of £250 million in campus facilities - study in inspirational buildings and with cutting edge facilities. 
  • University awarded Foundation Degrees and Honours Degrees. 
  • Widest range of school leaver courses at the largest college in the north east. 
  • Flexible learning - evening, weekend and day-time study to fit around your lifestyle or working commitments 
  • Outstanding QAA results (Quality Assurance Agency) giving you the highest quality of teaching, particularly in performing arts, beauty, sport, hospitality, tourism, art and design. 
  • Winner of Company of the Year in the North East Business Awards 2005 - benefit from our award-winning performance and investment. 
  • High quality advice and guidance - Student Services were recently re-accredited for Matrix, the quality standard for Information, Advice and Guidance. 
  • Excellent links with employers - giving you access to live work placements to help improve your career prospects 
  • We offer you competitive tuiton fees and non-repayable bursaries for higher education students. 
  • Agreed progression routes - helping to take your qualifications even higher. 

At Newcastle College we are proud to offer an ever increasing range of undergraduate, school leaver, vocational and part-time courses. Teaching and student support at the college are second to none and we have a fantastic variety of state-of-the-art facilities including the Lifestyle Academy with modern gym, luxurious spa, beauty salon and Chefs' Academy restaurant; A state-of-the-art £21 million Performance Academy for music and performing arts; A new £8.6 million city centre resource for employers and employees to train - opening September 2007; and the brand new re-development of Grade II listed Rye Hill House, representing a new gateway to the college's facilities to mention just a few.

Newcastle is a superb place to live, and Newcastle College is a great place to study. Choose us and we will make sure you fulfil your potential.

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