Prep fees start from £1,535 per term (full time) and senior fees start from £2870 per term (full time).
St. James’ School, Grimsby is part of the Woodard family of schools founded in 1848. The School follows the highest standards of academic excellence and is co-educational for children aged 2-18 years. There are four levels of Pre-prep (2-7 years), Prep (7-11 years), Senior (11-16 years) and Sixth Form (16-18 years).
The School specialises in bespoke education personalised according to the child’s functional skills, interests and ability to succeed. Skills and pupil led learning is emphasised and the Careers Department holds one to one career interviews throughout Sixth Form. International students of different nationalities are supported by highly qualified EFL teachers and GAP students to meet language requirements.
A caring and friendly boarding facility is provided for boys at Petchell and for girls at Yarborough. The maximum number of students in one house is 20 for girls and 30 for boys, allowing the resident staff to care well for each student. The School is 5 minutes from the town centre and boarders can enjoy recreational activities outside the school on weekends, or make home visits with the flexible weekend arrangements.
Interested in this School?
Мой консультант был очень предупредительным и мотивировал меня к достижению моих целей. Она помогала мне на каждом этапе пути даже когда дедлайн был уже близко. Я думаю, что без ее поддержки я бы точно не справилась. Я рекомендую эту услугу всем моим друзьям, заинтересованным в поступлении в университет.
Ольга Дзюба Специальность “Биологические науки” в университете Ковентри
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