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Ключевая информация
Местонахождение Various, UK
Дата основания 2005
звестные курсы Pre-Masters, Foundation, English Language
Ключевая информация
Местонахождение Various, UK
Дата основания 2005
звестные курсы Pre-Masters, Foundation, English Language


Study on a leading university campus or in a dynamic city located in the UK and US with INTO. You are guaranteed a great international education with INTO, wherever you choose to study. Through INTO's wide range of programmes, you’ll receive dedicated support to ensure you succeed in your studies.

Join INTO and you’ll open up a lifetime of career opportunities.

INTO is dedicated to providing world-class experiences to international students looking for support and preparation, leading to top UK universities. INTO have 12 modern study centres offering our students excellent educational environments in either campus based universities or cosmopolitan city centre locations.

Choose from A-levels, foundation, international year one, graduate diploma, pre-masters or an English language course to help prepare you for study at partner universities or a study centre which opens doors to over 90+ institutions.

Fully accredited by university partners, INTO courses provide assured progression upon successful completion of your INTO programme and meeting the progression standards for your chosen degree. Now celebrating their 10th anniversary, INTO have helped more than 50,000 students take the next step to achieving their potential.


  • A-levels: Offered at INTO UEA for 5-6 terms
  • Foundation: 2-4 term programme preparing you for first year of a university degree
  • International Year One: 3-4 term programme preparing you for second year of a university degree
  • Graduate Diploma/ Pre-Masters: A 1 term, 3 or 4 term programme preparing you for success for a Master’s degree
  • English for university study
  • General English

Услуги для иностранных студентов

INTO provides top level support for students. Before arriving students are given all the information needed to prepare for study at INTO centres and for adapting to UK life. An airport pickup service will take you to your INTO accommodation prior to starting your course and in each centre a dedicated student service team of 1 member of staff to 9 students will help you settle into study.

As an INTO student, you receive a university student card once you register which provides you with access to on campus facilities of partner universities as well as those within INTO centres.


INTO offers its own student accommodation on the campus of partner universities or in city locations close to an INTO centre. Catering to different styles and needs, INTO offer:

  • Single study bedrooms with ensuite
  • Shared studios
  • Single studio with ensuite and kitchen
  • Homestay

All accommodation offers 24 hour internet access, laundry facilities and social spaces.


INTO has centres at the following locations:

  • City University London
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • INTO London World Education Centre
  • INTO Manchester
  • INTO Manchester in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University
  • INTO Manchester in partnership with the University of Manchester
  • INTO Newton A-Level Programme
  • Newcastle University
  • Newcastle University London
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • University of East Anglia
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Stirling

Breckett Front  Мой консультант был очень предупредительным и мотивировал меня к достижению моих целей. Она помогала мне на каждом этапе пути даже когда дедлайн был уже близко. Я думаю, что без ее поддержки я бы точно не справилась. Я рекомендую эту услугу всем моим друзьям, заинтересованным в поступлении в университет.  Breckett Front

Ольга Дзюба Специальность “Биологические науки” в университете Ковентри
