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Message from the Directors

Dear Student,

Studying in the UK can be a life-changing experience for an international student. The traditional academic culture, along with the unparalleled global standards at UK universities, provides a solid foundation for your future careers goals.

Since our inception in 2006, SI-UK has helped thousands of students like yourself enter many of the best UK universities. From the second you get in touch until the day you enrol, our unconditional support to students of all nationalities has led to a 98% success rate in gaining enrolment into UK universities.

Our specially trained application consultants are on hand throughout the process, as we seek the most suitable options for your future academic objectives. We believe every student is unique, coming from different academic, cultural and social backgrounds. Our service is designed accordingly, individually tailored to you so we can ensure the success of the support we provide.

On behalf of the entire global team at SI-UK, we would like to wish you every success in your goal of applying to and entering the university or college of your dreams. It is our mission, and pleasure, to assist you in achieving this.

Dwayne Gallagher, Orion Judge, Vicki Fox

SI-UK Directors.

About SI-UK


Studying in the UK

Breckett Front  I believe my success is due to the great support provided by SI-UK. I was advised the right IELTS courses to attend and they also helped with my visa application. I really want to share with you my positive experience and I would definitely recommend SI-UK to my friends.  breckett-back

Sunethra Devi Management at University of Chichester

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  • bath
  • york
  • st-andrews
  • sussex
  • nottingham
  • aberdeen
  • university-college-london
  • manchester
  • University of Birmingham
  • sheffield
  • southampton
  • manchester