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UK Medical School Entry Requirements

Undergraduate medicine entry requirements

Students applying to a medical school in the UK broadly have two main course choices; the A100 medicine programme or the A104 medicine with foundation year.

UCAS Medicine Courses

Standard entry medicine (UCAS code: A100)

Standard entry medicine is usually five years long, but can be six. It can have different abbreviations, such as MBBS or MBChB, but all result in the bachelor’s degree in medicine.

Graduate entry medicine (UCAS Code: A101)

Graduate entry medicine is open to application from those who already have a bachelor’s degree. Many universities require the previous degree to be health-related, but not all. It is a four-year accelerated degree in most cases, but at some universities it is a five-year course. 

Medicine with a preliminary year (UCAS code: A104)

This course takes the form of either a five-year Standard Entry Medicine with an additional year at the start, making a six-year course, or sometimes the preliminary year is taken as a standalone one-year course. It is also known as Medicine with a Foundation Year, or similar.

Medicine with a gateway year (UCAS code: A108)

Medicine Personal Statement

Your personal statement is a crucial part of the application process when wishing to study in the UK and, because of the competitive nature and limited number of spaces at medical schools, it is vital that your medicine personal statement is of an extremely high standard. Important topics to cover include:

Medical Work Experience

Work experience is valued highly by medical school admission boards as it showcases the relevant skills and strength of character needed to becoming a doctor. Practical work experience also recognises a student’s ability to work independently or in a team, as well as communication skills, enthusiasm and responsibility.

Many medicine programmes require a student to have completed work experience, but if you missed out on a placement, there are still a number of medical schools which will accept your initial application.

Study Medicine in the UK

If you are interested in studying medicine in the UK, the Medicine Service will help prepare you fully for being accepted at a UK medical school. Arrange a free consultation today.

Medicine Service


Studying in the UK

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